Name: Ralph Arnold LEWIN Date and place of birth: 30 April 1921: London, England. Married: 11 June 1950. Wife's name: Joyce Mary CHISMORE. Children: none. Education 1932-39 Kilburn Grammar School. London Matriculation (10 subjects) 1937=38. London University Inter. BSc. (Bot. Zool. Chem. Math.) 1939. State Scholarship. 1939-41 Downing College Cambridge. College $xhibition 1940-41. 1946-47 Natural Science Tripos, Part I. (Bot. Zool. Chem. Biochen. ) First class honours 1941. Natural Science Tripos, Part II. (Botany). First class honours 1947. BA, 1942. MA, 1946. 1947-51 Sir John Dill Fellowship (1947-48) at Yale University. Hooker Fellowships, graduate assistantships, etc. M.S. 1949. PhD. 1950. Thesis: The life cycle and genetics of Chlamydomonas moewusii Gerloff. Summer terms: 1948: Stanford University, Pacific Grove, Calif. Marine algae - Prof. G.M. Smith. Microbiology - Prof. C.B. van Niel. 1949: Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods ..ole, Mass Marine botany, andindependent research. 1955: Lalor fellowship at M.B.L., Woods Hole, Mass. Posts held 1942 Member of team of Marine Algae Survey of British Isles. (Ministry of Supply) 1944 Assistent, Wood Pigeon Investigation. (Bureau of Animal Population, Oxford.) 1943-46 Private, H.M. Forces (Army). 1950-51 Special lecturer, Botany Department, Yale University. 1951 (Long Vac. Term) Demonstrator, Botany School, Cambridge, G.B. 1951-52 Instructor, Botany Department, Yale University. 1952-55 Assistant Research Officer, National Research Council, (Maritime Regional Laboratory), Halifax, N.S., Camda. 1953-55 Special lecturer, Biology Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. Canada. Languages Speaking and writing knowledge ofFrench, Italian, Esperanto. Reading and some understanding of spoken German. Societies Sigma Xi. Society for General Microbiology. Canadian Society of Microbiologists. Phycological Society of America. Special interests Microbiology, including microbial genetics. Phycology and Mycology. Plant physiology, especially of thallophytes. Publications See attached list. Publications Lewin, R.A. (Biological flora of the British Isles) Sonchus L. J- Ecol. 36:203-23, 1948. Gemmination of zygospores in Chlamydomonas. Nature 164:543-54, 1949. Gamete behaviour in Chlamydomonas. Nature 166:76, 1950. Induced vitamin-requiring mutants of Chlamydomonas. Nature 166:196, 1950. Isolation of sexual strains of Chlamydomonas. J. Gen. Microbiol. 5:926-29, 1951. Ultra-violet induced mutations in C. moewusii Gerloff. J» Gen. Microbiol. 6:233-48, 1952. The primary zygote membrane in C. moewusii. J- Gen. Microbiol. 6:249-50, 1952. Vitamin requirements in the Chlorococcales. Pohyc. Soc. Amer. Bull. 5:21-22, 1952. Studies on the flagella of algae. I. General observations on C. moewusii Gerloff. Biol. Bull. 10:74-79, 1952. Ii. Formation of flagella by Chlamydomonas in light and darkness, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 56:1091-1093, 1953. V. Mutants ofC. moewusii with impaired motility. J- Gen. Microbiol. 11:358-63, 1954. Genetics of C. moewusii Gerloff. Proc. 7th Int. Bot. Cong. (Stockholm) p.430, 1953. The genetics of C. moewusii Gerloff. Je Genetics 51:543-60, 1953. A marine Stichococcus sp. which requires vitamin B J. Gen. Microbiol. 10:93-~-96, 1954. Sex in unicellular algae. In Wenrich, D.H. (Ed.) Sex in Microorganisms. A.A.A.S. Symposium (Philadelphia) pp.100-133, 1954, Utilization of acetate by wild-type and mutant C. dysosmos. J. Gen. Microbiol. 11:459-71, 1954. Culture of Prasiola stipitata Suhr. Can. de Bot. 3225-10, 1955. Lewin, R.A. & Meinhart, J.0. Studies on the flagella of algae. III. Electron micrographs of C. moewusii. Can. de Bot. 31:711-17, 1953. Mintz, R.H. & Lewin, R.A. Studies on the flagella of algae. IV. Serology of paralyzed mutants of Chlamydomonas. Can. J. Microbiol. 1:65-67, 1954. Lewin, R.A., Owen, M.J. & Melnick, J.L. Cell wall structure in Chlamydomonas. Exp. Cell Res. 2:708-10, 1951. Lewin, R.A. & Mintz, R.H. Inhibitors of photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas. A@ch. Biochem. Biophys. 54:246-48, 1955. Frenkel, A.W. & Lewin, R.A. Photoreduction by Chlamydomonas. Amer. J. Bot. 41:586-89, 1954. 12° IW PRESS Lewin, R.A. Flagella - problems and enigmas. In "Wew Biology # 19" Published by Penguin Books Ltd.