December 17, 1953 Dr. Elsa L, Sonzalez c/o Dr. &. S, G. Barron Department of Medicine University of Chicago Chicago 37, Tllinois Dear Dr, Gonzalez: I have your letter of December 13. I am sorry that we were not able to meet each other on the occasion of your past visit. I hope this did not inconvenience you at that time. Of course I will be very happy to see you at any occasion suitable to you. In general, I would prefer to have you visit during the week rather than on the weekend, but this is not a vital consideration, We are not planning to make any trips away from campus in the near future. For this reason it might perhaps be simplest for you to indicate the time that would be most convenient for you by phone. My ex- tension here is ],610 at the University numbcr 5-3311,but I suggest that you call person-to-person during the day in order to insure reaching me, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Genetics