December 13, 1953 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am interested in talking to you. Perhaps you remember that I called you last month by phone, but was not lucky enough to have the opportunity of talking to you personally. I was last year at Columbia working as one of Francis J. Ryan's Assistants. The other one was Phyllis Fried, as you know. This year I am getting trained in Biochemistry at Dr. Barron's laboratory, at the Univ. of Chicago. I have written now a review paper on "Microbial Genetics and Biochemistry". Before giving it to publicity, I would like if possible, discuss some points of it with you. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] If it is just too much bothering you, could you please answer me, which week-end I can see you at Madison? Sincerely yours, Else L. Gonzalez