HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL THE DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY 25 SHATTUCK ST., BOSTON 18, MASS. December 29, 1952. Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture, MADISON 6, Wisconsin. Dear Doctor Lederberg: _ Thank you for your interesting letter about the Harvard strain of E. coli. I am sure that with your facilities and experience you will be able to straighten out the situation very quickly. I should comment that you will probably find that what you describe as the A type of colony from the Harvard slant is simply one of the mutants that happendto appear in large number in that particular getee slant. The slant I sent you came from a very carefully done single colony isolation only a few weeks before and so it is most unlikely that the A form represents anything but what I suggest. Your comment that it would be surprising for variants like Harvard A and B to have arisen from MSFB was interest- ing because while I have no personal evidence that such was the case, it seems that there is little doubt of the fact that MSFB was really a parent of our present Harvard strain. If this point should interest you further, I could easily send you other parent strains such as the original Mueller Strain that has been in his ice chest for many many years. I certainly did not mean to cast any aspersions on your mechanisms of transduction. But unless you have become harden- ed by prolonged contact with these things, I think you will agree it is a pretty remarkable business. With best holiday wishes to you and your wife from both of us. Sincerely, A. Goldstein, M.D. Assistant Professor of Pharmacology. AGskb