Bovember 7, 1955 Professor Richard Goldschmidt Department of Zoology University of California Berkeley 4, California Dear Professor Goldschmidt: Thank you for your overly kind letter-— as my wife suggests, the shoe is perhaps on the other foot, that the younger students have been saved from premature seduction by the concept of the atomistic gene by your own advaneed and strenuous scepticism, Have you noted, for example, Dr. Beadle4s adoption of the suggestion (in the last AIBS Bull. that the genetic unit of recombi- nation might be a single nucleotide: this might define a genetic atom, but can hardly be a unit of function which is certainly realized at a much higher level of complexity. I am certaibly looking forward to reading your new book, but have not yet had an opportunity to do ao. I only just yesterday recelved the advertising notices of it from the California Press. With best personal wishes, Yours sincerely, i af doshua Lederberg —_ ee