Nov 4, 55 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for the group of fine reprints, which I read[?] at once. I am envying your young people who can take part in the analysis of these exciting new developments with surprises over surprises. We oldsters must be grateful if we can still follow the new lines and try to put the newest[?] in a proper niche of our way of thinking. I am glad that I was a student of Kassel in my young days and thus able to follow things without too much strain. I have just published a "Theoretical Genetics" where I tried to find a [ . . . ] led picture of old and new facts as analyzed for a theoretical roundup. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] You might be interested in it and I hope you will not find me already antiquated, though that can happen nowadays in the interval between writing and publishing (almost 1 1/2 years). Best regards Yours sincerely R. Goldschmidt