March 21, 54 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your note. I agree that the fine book of my old student and friend Buchner should be translated. As a matter of fact I think it's a disgrace that the sum of American biologists never heard of this the outstanding morphological work of the last generation, with all its general consequences. (Symbiology, I think no, except maybe for licheur, Symbiontology would at least be covered) [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Unfortunately I cannot think of doing the translation myself. First I am writing myself a book, which will keep me busy for some time. Second I am not very strong having been sick for 6 months, indisposed, with heart trouble and still working only at home. But there should be many potential translation (if it is not yet underway, which one would have to find out from Buchner via San Alessandro, Porto d'Inchia, Italy) Pa'tan, [...], might be willing, or Mrs. Schauer, the Schauers being possible students of Buchner(?), [...] in Washington Bethesda. Best regards, Yours sincerely, R. Goldschmidt.