April 27, 1953 Dear Professor Goldschmidt: Thank you for your appreciative remarks. Writing the review was an education for me, and I hope I have not confused too many details. It is cbvious that our thinking about cytoplasmic heredity, and from this, the identity of the organism needs to be drastically reconsidered in the light of working following Buchner's. I had not realized he was your former student; I was equally surpr&bed earlier to learn that Schrader had worked on the subject 30 years ago: I cannot remember that he had ever mentioned it at Coluxbia. The publishers have just sent me an announce-— ment of Buchner's book,and I am looking forward to seeing it. It might be a useful service if it were translated into English: perhaps Steinhaus could be persuaded, I regpet to give you sad tidings about Huskins. His wife died some few weeks ag: . and to add to his bmndens he has suffered a heart attack, and will be hodpitalized several weeks, I have not been allowed to see him, but understand he is doing rather be tter now. Yours truly, Joshua Lederberg