August 24, 1953 Miss Jacqueline Gering 1004 Redwood Drive Green Bay, Wisconsin Dear Miss Gering: Thank you for your letter of August 14. I wonder if you will not get the best advice on planning your college curriculum from your own teachers and advisers at Beloit College. They surely will be a in better position to tell you what courses ara available thore,agd to help you to evaluate your best talents. If you are planing to go into scientific research in bac- teriology, it will be more important for you to acculre = sound edu- cation in cultural and sclentific fundamentals than in too much tech- nical detail in thie specialty. This you can better pick up in your graduate training. Only if you have somewhat less anbitious aime of technical work in this field would it be appropriate for you to insist on the narrower curriloulun of something like the medica? technologists’ progran. But as I already stated, you will get much sounder advice from peoplo who can know your needs and yourself more intimately. If I may close with a more personal word, I would say that no single college or postgraduate course wan particularly helpful. Much more im- portant 1:. the habit of inquiry, and of reading booke ond journals to go more dee: y Into ths subjects which are nerely touched upon by courses. With cordial best wishes, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Asacclate Professor of Genetics P.S. Three or four years from now, won't you let me Imew how you make out’