UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEDICAL SCHOOL ANN ARBOR DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY November 12, 1954 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: In our current course in bacterial physiology, we plan to conduct a K-12 recombination experiment. Cavalli's visit yesterday and today helped immeasurably to clear up some procedural points of the experiment, in addition to which his seminar was perfectly timed for the class. As you have, we found his wife and him wonderfully stimulating and likable. May I impose on you to send cultures of K-12 strains 58-161 (M-, F+, sugars+, TÂ¥,5, StS) and W-1177 (Thr-, L-, F-, Thiamin-, Lac-, Malt-, Xyl-, Ara-, Man-, Te 5, stR) ? Will you please correct me, if Iam off on any of the indicated markers. I understand that you sent these cultures to Al Campbell last year, but they became lost by unilateral induction. Josh, thank you for the help. Please pass along my hello to Esther and to friends in Ag Hall. (Coraiadry, \ \ PG:br Philipp Gerhardt