CHEMICAL CORPS ARSENAL, ARKANSAS PG: ss IN REPLY REFER TO: 18 February 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Thank you for your letter of February 13. Re my second para- graph: We add such a cautionary word so that the person may know that even the general information of this project has security implica- tions and thereby he will not knowingly circulate such information where unnecessary. No red ink, CONFIDENTIAL documentation is involv- ed. We are constantly plagued by having imposed on us security re- strictions and at the same time having the larger responsibility of getting the job done, in this instance hiring specialists. Conse- quently, I am asked to and do transmit some general security informa- tion on an informal basis; since necessary, this exchange of informa- tion is not so much a matter of potential embarrassment as of re- sponsibility as a citizen, Yours can be obviated simply by burning the letter. Or were you just Joshing me on the whole matter? I just received a letter from Max Zelle in which he suggested that Miss Ethelyn Lively of your lab might be a possibility for M.S. level work here. Should she be interested, we would like to have her apply. ae PHILIPP GERHARDT Chief, Laboratory Division