STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 10/1/36 Dear Joshua: I received vour note regarding the "shattering reaction" described by Revnolds and should have written vou sooner, I remembered reading the article many years ago and recalled part of a discussion with Dr. C. V, Taylor that followed, But until your card came I did not think of Revnolds' experiments, Thanks so much for writing me; we (IG and J. Wilson) referred to the paper -- thanks to you, Pupsr ow Lpt PNAS / So sorry you and Esther weren't at the meetings in Japan. I had a very interesting time. Never have I packed so many experiences in so Pew days before! Coming back on MATS was rather rugged because we had to wait so long before leaving the Airport Base -- altogether four nights without much sleep. Japan is beautiful and I hope vou have an opportunity to see the country some time, You will because vou are both so young. Thank you for the recent reprints. Perhaps you sent them to Dr, Tatum: anywav I have them. Best wishes for a successfu] year, Sincerely, Aenre Garuprtil