December 5, 1955 Dr. Alan Garen Biophysical Leboratory Purdve University Lafayette, Indiana Dear Alan: Thank you for the recslealations cn mcterlal radiograchy. One trouble is that ve won't be able to mke e specific correlation between P,. and gene segregation: L.e., at the 4—cell stage, only one cell sill sogre rate out viable recombinants, but wea can't tell which one. There are, however, any number of reasons why the experiment is worth doing. Conceiwebly, even at (say) the 32-cell stage, all the label will be in one cell: In that event, we can sample parte of the clones (or subclones) for thoiy genctyne:, and look for tf arong any of these left. Thit is, for the most useful ramite, this experiment would be a refinement cf Cy's. What woula you say to the idea cf doing this together-~ “ould Seymour be likely to give you a few weeks off next summer or fall? You can tell him we'd pay the teb. By then, I hope to have the techniaue to be able to do my end of this kimi e6§ experiment, which I don't have now, As to the diploids, we have never found Lp+/Lp+ derivatives from Lp+/Lp$ cells exposed toe lambda. ‘this is a puzzling result, but we want to do this with Gal-transduction as a tag. That's one reason I'm struggling to make some Upt/s Gai-/- diploids, but have had little luck so far. The other approach is to use some marked lanbdes, and Esther has been hoping to cet this up soon. The growth of T4r on Lp+/s may not be only a trivial experiment. Every diploid population is contaminated with 5-10% segregants, so one will have to do this on a statistical basis with single bursts, and guess whether the fraction of bursts correspogds to the Lp® segregants or to the sum of these with Lpt/s cells. With a good anti-T, serum, it might not be too difficult to get a good count of infective centers, unless the heterozggotes show some un- predicted and confusing behavior. --- I think perhaps one could also take advan- tage of streptomycin resistance. Say we have a suspension with @5% Lp+/a; 10% ¢ and 5% + segregants, which is not too unreasonable. The same diploid is segregating S™/S° s0 that most of the Lp® and all cf the +/s are sensitive to streptomycin; the Lp? segregants are resistant. Infect with the T4, add serum to inactivate free phage, and plate for infective centers with and whthout sm. If the infective centers correspond to the TA~killed bacteria without sm, and to the T4~killed Lp® with am, then both +/s and s are growing T4. If the infec- tive centers correspond ohly to the killed Lp®, and are not reduced by am, then only s grows the phage. I would not want to rely on a half—experiment without such a check. Is the result worth the trouble? The systems where lambda blocks Killing by other phages give easier answers. But I'll be glad to try it if 1% seems important. Sincerely,