DEPARTMENT OF VIRUS RESEARCH May, 9th 1953 KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET BOX 764 STOCKHOLM 1 SWEDEN Dr. Joshua Lederberg College of Argriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Doctor Lederberg, I want to thank you for the very interesting reprints I have received from you. The subject of flagellation, mobility of flagella, and phase variation is oneg which has interested me enormously and I have spent much time and many efforts in trying to find an answer to some of the many puzzling questions concerned with these phenomena. rT am still engaged in some work along these lines. For instance, in co- operation with Dr. Weibull and Dr. Heller I am now studying some of the problems concerning the antigenic structure of the Proteus flagella. Your beautiful experiments have given the answers to most of the questions I have been asking myself. I am looking forward to reading your future articles on the matter. In the meantime I have sent those old reprints you particularly asked for. I hope they have already safely arrived. With kindest regards, Yours sincerely ure Cael Sven Gard