IM YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. cece cece eee cet e eee e eee NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA MARITIME REGIONAL LABORATORY HALIFAX, N.S. llth March 195%, Dear Joshua, I have, with considerable interést and - I confess - some difficulty, read the revrints which you kindly sent me, and trust I will be permitted to make the following comments, all releting to "Cell genetics and hereditary symbiosis". 1. In my experience, many agents which kill algae tend to bleach them. I am therefore not impressed by arguments of certain workers (quoted by you on ».407) that SM acts by destroying chloroplasts and thereby rendering non-heterotrovhic cells inviable. I am not happy that, when a vhagotronh ingests a narticle, the latter becomes intracellular in the strict sense of cytorlasmic constituents. The mere fact that hunks of »crotein get digested in food vacuoles while the rest of the cell resists autolysis suggests this is perhaps a too simnle internvretetinn. Hence the problems of a free-living cyanonhyte anxi»rus to become an endosymbiont are by no means solved when it's been swallowed (peal I am not convinced that all blugish-green lumns are cyanonhyte cells. The latter have, for one thing, Feulgen . sitive material, as befits their cellular nature: they also have highly characteristic pigments, reserve materials, etc. Unti' the case has been made stronger, I pvrefer not to accent the symbiotic nature of Peliaina, Gyanovhora, etc. without reservations. (In the latter orgenism, I tried to get the blue xigment sut with water followizg toluene treatment - but it didn't come, as it does with most blue-green algae. ) (Terminology). I do not accent zooxanthellae, etc. as rhyto- plankton (p.415). The use of the word "chromogenic" needs sorting out between Lederberg, J. (1952) Physiol. Rev. 32:406 1.16, and Lederberg, E. (1952) Genetics 37:471 1.1. Finally, while I am still in a carving mood, I hove you wil! restrain Engelsverg & Davis (MGB 7,36) from using "autotronhic" for their miserable little heterotrovhic bacteria. We vhycrldgists will be phurious. With best wishes to Esther, Yours, bye