27 Way 1951 Dear Joshua, Thanks to ‘the student response after you gave your course in microbial genetics last year, the Dept. of Bacteriology felt that the course should be repeated during a school semester. Once the Dept. made up its collective mind, I was apporached and asked whether I would undertake the teaching of such a course. When I came to, I agreed. The course is scheduled for the Spring Semester, 1952, and will be a 2 credit course, lectures twice weekly, 1 hour per lecture. Fortunately, I got excellent notes from your course and they will serve as the framework for my own ef- forts. The changes will be essentially those of sequence, emphasis, and integration. Frankly, I am a little over- whelmed by the task of organizing the course. The Cold Spring Harbor course this summer may help more than I could anticipate at this time. I would appreciate learning if the "Sources in Microbial Genetics" you mentioned as coming out this Year is as yet available from Wisensin. Also, is there any definite news of the rumored texts in microbial genetics? There are no indications where this course will lead as far as I am concerned. Stanier and Douderoff are enthusiastic about the need for a regular scheduled course and I believe they would consider me the candidate if the course were added to the Dept.'s curriculum. As things now stand, I am still with the Navy and would be doing the course as a basis for considering me as the next member of the staff with my research sponsoroed by the Navy. The Navy realizing the impossibility of fully discussing any phase of the work now in progress has permitted an unclassified project on the genetics of virulence. This project will get under way on my return from Cold Spring Harbor. Any suggestions you offer will be greatly ap- preciated. I'd like to thank you for making our Dept. in Cale more aware of microbial genetics than I ever could. Seely, zd Fk we 5