~ DEPARTME UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OF BACTERIOLOGY Address Reply to: NAVAL BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER OAKLAND 4, CALIFORNIA 26 April 1951 Dear Joshua, This maxes the second letter this week but the information herein may be worth your while. Streptomycin- resistance mutation rates are so low in my problem that the L&D graph is useless. also, the methods of approximation are sort of cumbersome. I had our physicist crepare both a table and graph which permits ranid calculation of "a" from the second of L&D's methcds. The table requires the following data: Yr =- mean number of mutant colonies C =~ number of cultures N - mean number of viable cells/ml X = 1.443 CNa r G re x 0.01 100 1 1.78 0.02 ” 2 2.35 0.03 " 3 2.88 0.04 ” 4 Bed 0.05 "*" 5 3-80 0.06 " 6 4.20 0.07 * 7 4.60 0.08 * 8 5.00 0.09 * 9 5.40 0.10 ” 10 5-80 We have altered the L&D graph so that "re™ and "x" represent the coordinates. They have separate curves and the the intercept with the svecific curve (c) reoresents the de- sired value. In this way we could handle any value of "rc" and could extend the graph. Should you want a copy of the graph, I*’1ll send one along.