25 April 1952. Dr. Ed Garber, Dept. Hacteriology, Naval Blological Laboratory, Naval Supply Center, Oakland 4, California. Dear Fd: First, I'd like to say that I would prefer not to discuss any uncleared information except in the course of arfanmal consultaticn. It get's to be too mich of a mental burden to sort things out. However, I'll be happy to talk over (i.e. via letter} anything which has beer cleared for oublic discussion. The mitation rates you give are the lowest I've ever seen for any measurable rate; you must be working with incredible densities of bac- teria; this makes me wonder whether thare's any chance of an artefact coming in there. Do you get full recovery of small, known numbers cof S* celle aided to 3° populations? DT hope you'll enjoy your summar at CSH. We'll be there for the sympestian, but that will be over long before the course starts. Sincerely ycurs, Joshua Lederberg. P.S. Why not use Lea and Coulson's methods for measuring mutation rate from the median nuaber of mutants (J. Genetics 49:264- '49)? Also, evidence from *, cold heterozygotes showe that S*° is dominant to s*, You should be able to verify the diploid nature of the gigas forms by measuring the mtatiéa rate from 3° to 3. We got absolutely nothing in FE. coli with camphor. On the other hand, T have been surprised to find myself utterly convined of the "Leforms" and their role as "filtrable" bacteria from work one of my students is @oing on Sal. monella. JL