UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Address Reply to: NAVAL BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER OAKLAND 4, CALIFORNIA PARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 18 November 1950 Dear Joshua, Cot both your letter and the reprints. ‘Thanks. not The reason for'naming the organism in the letter is the stupid, short-sighted, ridiculous security regulations which state that any letter containing the name must be classifieds Rather than attempt to get into all sorts of administrative tangles, I prefer to be "cryptic." Fere's an interesting story on the TPTZ paper and your question whether the technic works with other species. Unimown to us, Huddleson's group at East Lansing had followed the same line of researche Their results were "published" in the annual report (1950) of the School ofVMedicine of liichigan State College to which report I refer to you for the complete story. It (TPTZ) can be used with a host of species and appears to be a valid criterion for differ- entiating strains. But this part is the kicker: somebody and we do not know if it was Huddleson sent us the report and noted that the date of the report precéded the publication date on our note to J.B. Ye think it coula’8ne of two things: either they feel we stole their stuff because our procedure was absolutely the same or they are just showing us how much more work they did to establish the same point. At eny rate, we never heard of the reports neither ourmr the U lib- rary contained a copy; and no one we mow seems to have seen the re-= porte le have been able to repeat the gigas work with "our bug" and it seems satisfactorye I'll have ‘Jon give me the details anc his cautions, etce and mail them myself. Otherwise, we'll run into security againe A stored culture going avirulent means to me thah the selecting of colonies at random from a plate streaked with the culture yields smooth solonies (clones) which will not kill. How about some suggestions on this problem which has be-= come very important to me? (We have tried acriflavine (a la Braun in Brucella) and verious salts to detect dissociants with "our buge" It has been a continuous CGisappointment in that the results are erratic and non=-reproducible. The rough clones may or may not agelutinate with acriflavine and salts under all conditions of concentrations, incuba- tion temperatures, and duration of exposure to the agzlutinating azente How about some agents which will agslumtinate non-smooth types? Thanks again for everything. Vooarsly -