Dept. of Genetics, Uinversity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. Sept. 16, 1947. Dear Art- The letterhead is not strictly accurate, since I'm writing this on a NWA DC-4 on my way out to Madison. These newfangled contrap- tions go so fast, thougy, that I might nearly as well be there. However, you can see that I've accepted the post I was talking to you about at OBL. It really seems like an excellent outfit, and the same for my own opportunity within it. What about yourself? We hear you've established yourself in your own house now-- wish we could say the same, We stayed with Kimbhll Atwoo @ and family while we were in NY, but have no pros- pects at all in Madison. Ferhaps we can rent a tent until it gets to be cold. Probably for the first year or so, we won('t be able to get very much done, as the lab has to be started fiom scratch. There does seem to be the wherewithal to do same however. Let's haar from you. Hegards to vale and Billy, Sincerely, | ae