June 23, 1954 Dear Mord! and Seymour: Of course, I have no objection to your using the paper mentioned in the attached copy of your letter of June 19. However, the copyright is owned by the publisher, William: add Wilkins, and you will have to get theiy formal approval. They have been cuite obliging in the past, and I imagine they will accept my approval on behalf of both Tatum and myself. Ed is, unfortunately, practically inaccessible on a European trip, but I do not think he could raise the least objection, Precisely what do you intend to do? Are you reprinting a series of papers in their entirety, or are you making excerpts? You might be interested in what may be akin to your project, deserihed in the attached circular. You will note that a different paper was used to exemplify recombination in bacteria. Possibly you felt the Genetics, 1947, article was tco difficult for your intended audience; 1t certainly was intentionally written at a different plane from the preceding Jour. Bact. article. The essential design of the experiments was presented rather more briefly (and earlier} in Nature and at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium (1946) [References in attached list]. The historical account in the enclosed reprint may also be of som interest to you. Best wishes, Will we see you at Woods Hole (in August) ? Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Dr. S. Fogel Brooklyn College Brooklyn 10, N.Y.