Brooklyn College Bedford Avenue & Avenue H, Brooklyn 10, N.Y. Department ef Biolegu June 19, 1954 Professor Je Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: In our book on "Great Experiments in Biology", designed for use as a textbook, schedmled for publi- cation by Prentice-Hall, Inc., 70 Fifth Avenue ,New York, in Spring 1955, we wish to make use of your publication " Gene recombination in the bacterium Escherichia¥%¢éoli" from the J.Bact. 55:673-684. A release form is given below for your convenience. Please note that we have indicated the credit line to be used. You may sign and return the enclosed copy of this letter. We agree to give full acknowledgment in the manner indicated bélow. Your consideration of this request at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated. Very truly YOurs » SPurdesns Lbalrel Mordecal Le Gabrie} ANT et. wee Seymour Fogel’ I hereby grant the permission requested on the terms stated in this doament. CREDIT LINE TO BE USED: Reprinted from the Jour. of Bact. 53:673-684 by permission of the author. Date BY