THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M. D. ANDERSON HOSPITAL June 13, 1949 2310 BALDWIN STREET Houston 6 Dr. J, Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: I have received the six amino acid mutants and the Prototrovh of Escherichia coli all of which you were so kind to send me. I al- so found the reprint which was enclosed in the vackage and even tho T had read the original article, found it to be quite useful for ny reprint file. I have transplanted all the cultures and all replants grew well, I thank you very much for sending me the mutants and I hove my request for them has not caused you too much inconvenience, Please don't hesitate to write to me at any time when there is anything I am able to do in return. Thanking you again, I renain > Very sincerel; yours, Zs abi facet RF/rl Robert Fuerst /