YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 333 CEDAR STREET - NEW HAVEN : CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY September 18, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of isconsin Dear Josh, In the past few weeks we have started to work with one of the serineless mutants (¥ 1975} that you so kindly sent me last Spring and hsve run into certain difficulties which aré new to me. Usine the Tatum hasal medium =- which works well for all coli de- rived from K 12 - and either L-serine or elvcine, the maximal crowth obtained is never more than about half that observed for * 12 or for other mutants such as the orolineless, methionineless, etc., “e've carried out our incubations at 30 and at 35° and have even shaken the incubation tubes without improvine the rrowth as measured on the Evelyn, Have you any experience alone this line which micht help us? At the moment we are trying to find out whether 1975 has any renuirements in addition to that for glycine or serine, Incidently, a serineless strain I cot from Rernie Davis acts the same way, Perhaps this is just a characterisic of serine- reouiring coli regardless of their origin, Needless to say, any advice you have to offer concerning this problem will be most welcome. Sincerely, —T” le Sofia simak