IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO... cece c cece eee e cnet neternaee NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA MARITIME REGIONAL LABORATORY HALIFAX, N.S. L Sentenber LOrO Lear Josh, 1 thought that reference wes in the Pevue Cenadienne de Biologie for 1949, but the only one I've eot is: Case, F.A. 1949. J. Pathol. & Bacteriol. 61(1):124-27. "A suggested exrianation of the allesed shenomenon of symbiotic (bacterial) Nitroren-fixation in whales" For your collection I include also: Kadota, H. (date, neriodical and volume in Jananese, but 1 nage abstract in Bnglish: voscibly in Mem. Coll. Agric. (Kyoto Univ.) for 1951). ?:59-62. "Studies on the agar-decomnosing en: yme of Vibrio »urxureus (On the general character of the enzyme)" and : Muromtsev, S.N. 1949. Annali d'Igiene 12:%79-84. "Il problema della ibridizza:ione vezetativa in microlLidloria”™ We were delighted +) have your co vany, end Look forward to another visit, »xerhevs nevt year. IT hove the rect of the trip went off well. Yours, Lye