YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 333 CEDAR STREET - NEW HAVEN : CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY April 24, 1952 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Depertment of Genetics Collere of Arriculture University of “isconsin Dear Josh, T'm plannine to start some experiments on the bacterial metabolism of serine peptides and am trvine to collect some serineless mutants of &. coli. If you have envy in yourg coliection ~- and esnecielly derivatives of M12 - I'd c¥eatly appreciate it if you'd send me cultures, AAs you can see from the letterhead, I'm now ovey at the Medical Gchool and, for technical reasons,/the undertaine of a mutant hunt is somewhat diffAcult at the present time, Incidentally,Wwhat do you think of Adelbergts modification of your venicillin-detection method? From the abstract in the Federation Proceedings it looks like a worthwhile addition to the technique, Vith best regards to ssther, Sincercly, “Ves Sofia Simmonds (2[47: sea 1 Bo f Oo7"8