MaRTIN FROBISHER 5880 CHAMBLEE-DUNWOODY ROAD CHAMBLEE,GEORGIA March 22nd, 1954. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. Dear Dr. Lederberg, I am much pleased to have the reprints of your recent articles on bacterial genetics and trans-— duction. They are of great interest to me and recall the work I did on transmission of toxigenicity of scar~ let-fever streptococci to some beta-type streptococci isolated from cream cheese (probably group D) which were not toxigenic and presumably harmless, We suspected, back in those benighted days, that we had transferred a scarlet fever virus , It probably was r.n.a. or some~ thing of the same nature; quite suggestive of the trans- formation of avirulent diphtheria bacilli which we now bring about with 'phage, Perhaps we were unwittingly dealing with lysogenic strains of streptococci. Regarding your account of the Method for isolating individual microorganisms", I should certain~ ly offer it for publication. It sounds very good and practical and, in these days of genetic studies, should be warmly welcomed by many. With cordial regards, Yours ve incerely, ; ! in Frobisher,