THe UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY ATHENS, GEORGIA May 11, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of “isconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederbergs Many thanks for the group of reprints which you recently forwarded to me, JI think you have a done a remarkably fine piece of work in throwing light on the very tangled problem of bacterial genetics. From what I can see, there appear to be several mechanisms by which genetic exchange may be brought about among microorganisms, JI suppose much depends uvon species and upon the circumstances under which the experiments are done, As you know, the field is one in which I have long been interested, but into which I have not been able to datas deeply as I might have wished, With cordial regards, Yours very sincerely, Martin Frobisher, Head, Department of Bacteriology, MF scb