Fred. Columbia Gniversity inthe City of Netw Pork NEW YORK 27, N. ¥. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY January 3, 1956 Dear Dr, Lederberg, I'm sorry to hear that Dot is lecving, Remembering her quiet competence, J can sappreciste your desire to fill ner position with someone as ecepeble, However, I know of no qualified person who is looking for a job, As for myself, I am not contempl-ting a chrenge at the present time, If I hear of someone, I shell refer her to you, I feel an almost nostalgic sadness at the thought that the old lab is to be no more, But Itm sure you will have no trouble adapting to the luxury of thore spacious quarters, The Ryans, it appears from their letters, ere getting the VIP treatment in Japan, We are learning to brew green tes and practising our bows in entici- pation of their return, Regards to Dot snd Esther, and my best wishes for a happy New Year to #11 of you, Sincerely, Sean's