December 12, 1955 Miss Phyllis Fried Department of Zoology Columbia University New York 27, N.Y. Dear Phyllis: Dot Gosting is anxious to retire (again) so that I am looking for someone to fill her position, atarting at convenience next summer or fall. I think you know pretty well what the duties are— they would not be very different from those of your present position. Our old lab ia being completely remodelled right now (we are living in the new Bact. building meanwhile) and I do not believe we will have to face the hectic scrambling for space again that we used to endure. I would like to ask your help in recommedififing suitable prospects for the job, but first I would like to know if you WOuld be available yourself. If you can be persuaded to return to Madison, would you let me know what you would consider to be reasonable terms to start? I am anxious to put this position on a career basis in order to attract the pest possible assiatance and I would contemplate that there would be fairly regular salary increases for mritorioms service. Funds should also be available for a junior assistant as well as the usual hourly help to take the burden of the routine work, and the most important qualification for the senior assistant would be supervisory competence. I am not looking for another gra‘uate student, but would have no objection to incidental course work. We've just had a nice visit from the Zinders; he seems to have gotten into atride on his own research program and has an interesting story to tell (which you've probably already heard). Do give Ruth our best regards, to share with yourself, Sincerely, (Aeahus Lederberg