/ Columbia Gniversitp inthe Citpof Hew Pork [NEW YORK 27. N. Y.] DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY October 13, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Untiversity of Wisconsin Madison, Wisc. Dear J.L. I have sent under separate cover the two strains we used in the stationary phase mutation studies. They ares h-p histidine ~ lactose+ This strain was obtained from Lampen in 1945 and was des- ignated by him 148-334. hvlac™” yb Although to be certain I would have to check with the records which are now in Japan, I think that this is a singlé colony isolate of the mutant you sent in 1949, We have had one letter from Japan de- scribing the arrival end are anxiously awaiting further news, Francis' university address is; Institute of Applied Microbiology University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo Japan Evelyn Witkin can be reached after October 15 at: Department of Medicine New York State Univ. Medical School 451 Clarkson Avenue Bklyn, NY. OCT 14 1955 I am glad the biotin situation was finelly straightened out. Best regards to Dot Gosting and to Esticr, Sincerely, Ox. Phyllis Fried