Ochober 7, 1955 Miss Phyllis Fried Dept. Zoology Columbia University New York 27, N.Y. Dear Phyllis: I would appreciate the favorf#if you could send me copies of h# lact and h-lac- as were used in the receft work on mutation in stationary populations. Do you happen to know if the latter 1s the same mitant that I sent Francis in June 1949? Anyhow, we did not keep copies at that time, and I am interested (at some possible future time) in trying out a technique for testing for lysis and turnover in such populations, and I might as well use a precedent situation. Can you also give me Frahcis' exact address? I asspme they are well estab- lished at Tokyo by now; we had from them last at Portofino. While you're giving directory service, I wonder if you can also confirm Fvelyn #itkin's whereabouts. Thanks very auch, Yours sincerely, sf Lederberg /