IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. cess ccsesereseneteetretsoeens NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA MARITIME REGIONAL LABORATORY HALIFAX, N.S. 14th July 1952,_ Dr J. lederberg, Assoc. Professor of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. U.S.A. Dear Josh, < ' 1 3 Je moved here eight weeks ago, It s 2 brand new lab., and we have excellent facilities for research, which we do full time. My colleagues are a nutritionist, an organic chenist, and two physical chemists; and a bacteriolovist is ex ected soon, who will comolete the senior st-ff. Dr Youn’, the director, is himself? interested in carrasheenin at the monens; but the whole Laboratory is devoted primarily tke to 'oure' research on alene, in the first instence, end polymers and nacronolecvles in veneral. Joyce is retyping her thesis, now in its second draft. ohne is here as 2 guest research worker 2t the moment: but I hove sne may be a little more self-sup orting net yeer. Ita going on with the Chlamydomonas business chiefly, and also »votterins round with = few minor projects. i wes loth to leave Yale in many ways, out this seened a good Ooportunity to get a little new experience: and my instructorsnip = pp was enyway only on @ year-to-year basis. I think you might know Gordin Kaplan, who ¥s here now: otherwise there seems to be noone who can tell coli from crassa. But the suppvort of all the chemists around us ~- most conzenial peonole, incidentslly, - makes uo for this. Jith best regards to Ssther; io ? Yours sincerely, Dg. Ralph A. Lewin. SECOND FLOOR 201 BIOLOGY Gacr? 202 BIOLOGY 203 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 204 MEN’S WASH ROOM 206 LIBRARY 207 BIOCHEMISTRY 208 LIBRARY 210 PHYSICS 211 JANITOR’S ROOM 213 STAIRWAY TO PENTHOUSE 215 PILOT PLANT 216 PHYSICS GROUND FLOOR 101 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 102 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 103 BIOCHEMISTRY 104 LADIES’ REST ROOM 106 DIRECTOR’S OFFICE 107 MACHINE SHOP 108 OFFICE 110 OFFICE 111 STOREROOM 112 OFFICE 114 MEN’S WASH ROOM 115 ELECTRIC CONTROL ROOM 116 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 117 PILOT PLANT 118 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LABORATORY HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA