June 8, 1950. New York 9, N.Y. Dear Miss Fried: It will help to avoid a possible delay in Spptamber if you will sign the enclosed Withholding Tax forms. Please fi11 in the blanks indicated, and return as soon as convenient. Formally you will be appointed as of following nothing September 13, (Wednesday), al though classes do not begin until the Momday. There will be no difficulty about registration: you need do until you confer with me. As you may have heard, the Genetics Society of America is holding its anmal meeting this year as a @élden Oubfaasieh the occasion of the "seni- centennial of genetics." The meetings will be held in Columbus, Ohio during . the week of Sept. ll. A progran of umsual interest is planned, and you might well plan to attend. It should be pouelble for you to route your tickets so to provide for a stopower at Columbus at no additional cost. I think that advantage of attending the meetings would outweigh the disadvantage of arriving at Madison a few days later - in respect to housing, registration, etc. You can commenee your appointment at the meetings; otherwise you should be in Madison by the 13th. You can obtain additional information about the Jubliee from Dr. Fogel, or by writing to Dr. R. Singleton, Secretary, Genetics Society of Ameriga, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton. L.I+, N.Y. Fo While I am on the subject of visiting meetings, there are tre laboratories in or near New York a visit to which might be profitable. Dr. Bernard D. Davis is at the Tho. Research Laboratory, 411 FE. 69 Street, and Dr. B. M. Witkin at the Carnegie Institation, Cold Spring Harbér, L.I., N.Y. If you call then beforehand, and mention that you will be working here at Wisconsin, I am sure that you will be weloome. Dr. Davis will be leaving fairly soon. Hoping to see you at Columbus, or, if not, at Madison, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics. P.S. Have you managed any crosses?