cone March 23, 1950, Miss Phyllis Fried, 96 Avenue C, New York 9g N.Y. Dear Miss Fried: I am pleased to be able to tell you that the research funds sncompassing your stipend as a research assistant here next Fall have been approved, so that you may take this letter as a formal notification, . Your first check will be available October 8, 1950. Registra~ tion will begin about Sept. 11, but it may be advisable for you to arrive during the preceding week in order to arrange for housing. Dormitory space, managed by the University, will probably not be available to entering non-resident graduate students, but the Uni- versity Housing Bureau lists a number of approved private houses, as well as accomodations for individual students in private homes. Since I will not be here, inaall likelihood, for a few days after you arrive, I will leave instructions with Professor James F. Crow, of this department, coneerning registration and the like. Madison is on the route bothsof the Chicago & Northwestern RR and of the Milwaukee Road, approximately three hours from Chicago. There is also direct flight service to Madison via Northwest Airlines. Upon your arrival, I recommend that you first contact Dr. Crowg and then the Housing Bureau. - Looking forward to seeing you here, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics