March 20, 1950 ee Miss Phyllis Fried 96 Avenue C New York 9, New York Dear Miss Fried: I have your letter of the 16th and am glad to welcome you into cur laboratory group. — . Your stipend, which should be $950. for the academic year will be paid in ten equal mnthly instalments beginning early in October. Students here usually find it advisable to have between two and three hundred dollars on hand in order to meet tuition and living expenses before the first payment. In cases of need however, it is usually possible to arrange short loan loans on short notice. An It will be by no means necessary for you to antieipate your graduate work at this time and I would recommend rather that you concentrate on the advanced course work in bactsrial physiology, that I believe you mentioned earlier. However, 4f you find yourself with an unusual amount of free time available you might enjoy conducting some crossing experiments with bacteria. I am sending you, under separate cover, two strains which will be suitable for this purpose. 58-161 is a mutant of E.°Coli which requires’ the growth factors blotin and acthionine. W-1177 4s another miit8H$, requiring threonine, leucine, and thiamin. It also carries a number of other useful genetic markers including: inability to ferment lactose, maltose, galactose, xylose, mannitol; resistance to streptomycin and to the baoterto- phase T=}: I am also sending you a rather complete set of publications dealing with the background of our current work in bacterlal genetics. I recommend that you undertake to begin to read the literature in this field as soon as possible and for this purpose the review articles may be helpful. The other papers contain, I believe, an adequate description of the techniques that you will be likely to use in your crossing ex- poriments as well as in your later work here. The cultures that you will receive can be mde freely available to anyone that can make intelligent use of then, but I would appreciate your mentioning any further distributéon of then. Please do not hesitate to continue to correspond with me on any matter on which I can be of any assistance. Very sincerely, * few. JoshuhaLederberg Assistant Prof. of Genetics /3