March 1, 1950. Miss Phyliis Fried, 96 Avenge C, New York 9, N.Y. Dear Miss Fried: I am pleased to be able to write you that you have been recommended | for a half-time research assistantship in this department for 1950-51, - commencing about September 1950. It would be possible to arrange for a calendar year appointnent, beginning in July, but unless there is some special reason for this course, it will be inadvisable, as I will not be on campus this summer. Barring an unforessen shortage of funds, I have little doubt that this recommendation will be adopted, but I am, unfortunately, not yet able to give you a formal notification of the wward. However, the outcome is suffioiently clear to warrant my asking you whether you will accept this appointment, or have alternative prospects. The position will pay $950 for the academic year ($1150 for the oalendar), and also provides remission of the $300 annual non-resi- dent tuition fee. Residual fees will amount to about 475 per semester, The ethpend is subject to U.S. income tax. You will be expected, formally, to spend 21 hours per week in the laboratory. At first, this would be largely as a technical assistant on some phase of the current research prograz. This will give you an opportunity to learn our techniques and procedures. However, you will be given full opportunity to formulate your own researoh project, which will constitute your thesis, and you will be relieved of your duties as a techaica} assistant as you develop your own program. You whll be able to carry a full graduate program leading to advanced degrees. I would appreciate a reasonably prompt reply with your decision. - Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics