96 Avenue C New York 9, N.Ye February 2, 1950 Professor Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: May I thank you for the interest shown in your letter concerning my application. In accordance with your instruc- tions, I will ask Dr. Fogel to address his letter of re- commendation to you, if it has not already been sent. Regarding the extent of my undergraduate studies in the sciences, the following is an outline of the courses I have taken: General Biology Botany 2 semesters 1 " Vertebrate Anatomy 1 Animal Embryology 1 General Physiology 1 Principles of Bacteriologyl " Genetics 1 History of Biology 1 Inorganic Chemistry 2 Qualitative Analysis 1 Organic Chemistry 2 General Physics 2 The course in bacteriology consisted of lectures on the struc- ture and functions of bacteria, and a laboratory dealing with the basic principles of bacteriological technique. The course in genetics consisted of lectures dealing with the mechanism of gene transmission, and a broad survey of the modern trends in this field, including population genetics, the physical and chemical nature of the gene, the mechanism of gene muta- tion, snd the manner of gene action in development and func- tion, which last area captured my interest. The laboratory work was concerned chiefly with breeding Drosophila, but we were also given some experience in the technique of cultur- ing various deficient strains of Neurospora. This background, I realize, is deficient in several areas necessary to my proposed field of study, chiefly biochemistry, and mycology. This lack is due to the fact that the course in genetics that stimulated my interest in this field, was taken in my upper senior term, and therefore, I had no chance to adjust my courses accordingly. However, in the coming semester, I intend to take a post graduate course in the me- tabolism of the bacteria, which, I feel, will give me some background in the biochemical approach, and also some ad- vanced technique in the handling of bacteria. Concerning your suggestion that I apply for admission to the Graduate School for the coming semester, such a step seems impracticable in view of the fact that I have already arranged to assist Dr. Fogel in two of his research projects during this time. I have also made plans to assist in a gen- eral biology laboratory course in college, and to student teach biology on the secondary school level. I have enclosed a recent photograph of myself. I trust that the application formalities are now complete, and that I have supplied the information necessary for its consider- ation. Sincerely yours, SR 00ie Tara