August 10, 1956 Mr, William Freeman W.H. freeman and Co, San Francisco, Calif, Dear Bills A few days ago, I received & copy of Crampton's ‘Applied Animal Nutrition’, Just befere because it 1s somevhat out of my usual interests I read through it vataer casually, Just becausa of my high regard for your publjahing ateanderds, I thought I did ove you a cerment on it, 5 The book reads rather briskly in the first half, somewhat more tediausly later on-~ this may be inherent in the subject, Knowing nothing whatever of ths pedgzoric uroblems in the Meld, I would still cuess 14 would maka a useful ag, colleze text. But frankly, I an saxrevhat disappointed that the ms, and nraofs were not read more criticallre- wae this in haste? Th is more tnen an allowabld sprinkling of typographical slips, mostly migpelling, end I could find a dozan in 20 minutes, so they mat be plentiful, How emld anz proofreader miss a bad margin, as p. 252? (This is trivial in ttself, tub iliustrative). Mora Laportant, there is a good deal of mis&eading chemistry md mathenatics that a critical scientifi# review should have picked up, Har ony biechenist looked at it? Again just to illustrate, would one conclude fren p. 17 thet 30% of myosin im not amino acid (if so what?), am? Me, lel, nl19 is a nichtnare, not in the exeention, but in the intent. What is it supposed to , mean? Does cellulose go to fatty acid? Where does cytochrange fit in? Wiet is sho relationship of malate, pyruvate, oxulaestate’? Or is the figure Just ea mumbo-jurbo to impress a student who, judging fron the level of the text, couldn't possibly understend it anyhow? Does Ligure 6A (p. 144) have en inflection points in fact 1s 1b signoid? There are going to be ¢ lot of puzzled students this fall, P, 153: where does + 4.8 percentege mits cone fron? Certainly not the formula in brackets, { don't pretend to have given this bool an expert readias, uad an not sure I would be able to, I am a little disappointed to see e hook under your sup imprint inW whieh the weeds were co easily found, I may have looked at & poor sample of pages; I would oly suggest that you have an indepontent critic do a thorough postmorten. Enough of thet, I have word now and then frou Cavalli, and we haven't totally imnored our joint work, I wish ve could settle down to do a siugie chapter at once, and got it over with (aa3 heve something to show you) but it doesn't seen to be going that wey. With best rezards, P.S, Thanks for the bpok,