June 2, 1954 Dear Mr. Freeman: Thank youf or your tw letters. I am glad to have your conclusions, and will keep them in mind. Concerning the Buchner book, I cannot say that I am surprised, I hoped that your own judgment and information might develypagoie encouragenent in respect either to the market or the translator that I did not already have. So you can be sure that I do not dispute your decision. I will let the matter rest unless some windfall comes up. MacMillan has a translation of a book by Caullery on Parasitianm and Sgmbicais that I find rather unimpressive. Perhaps sometime, Buchner can be persuaded to write an abridgment of his own specifically for the English-speaking market: I do not know him personally and would not wish to bring up the matter with him myself. Yours, Joshua Lederberg