W. H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY a PUBLISHERS 549 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 5, CALIFORNIA + TELEPHONE: YUKON 6-5115 May 18, 1954 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 7, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Thank you ever so much for your sugges- tion of a translation of Buchner's Endosymbiosis. I am writing Verlag Birkhauser, and Steinhaus is inquiring as to the willingness of any of his confreres at Berkeley to undertake the translation. If we can possibly do it, we will, One factor gives me pause. We have found that our price for a translated version has to approximate Verlag Birkhauser's (we have worked with them before, you know). This means that our edition would have to sell at about $16.00 list price. How many biologists do you think would buy a book so priced--regardless of its value? Now, how about getting at that Genetics of Micro-organisms? AS ever, ie WHF :mc