He El W.H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY Publishers 549 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 5, CALIFORNIA YUKON 6-5115 January 29, 1952 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Biology University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: I was running through the comments received on the Bonner Galston and saw yours---with pleasure, I cannot help commenting on your one reservation-- some "cute" illustrations. You suspected our reason: the course in botany have been deadly dull so that students have avoided them; the youngsters are only 12 or 20; in addition, many are not botany majors, being in agriculture, and have to take this course. Maybe some of these figures went too far, but I hope the students do not think so. S.esiada/ What do you think of Cathesid new book? My best to your wife. Sincerely yours, BIA Pia W. H. Freeman . WHF :em