ie Bl W.H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY Publishers FIVE FOUR NINE MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 5, CALIFORNIA Telephone YUkon 6-5115 January 14, 1952 “one Dr. Tracy M. Sonneborn Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Zoology Department of Genetics Indiana University University of Wisconsin Bloomington, Indiana Madison 7, Wisconsin Dear Drs. Sonneborn and Lederberg: I guess I could wait until my next trip east; I am however as impatient as my eight-year old in front of the cookle jar. So, I excuse myself for writing for the latest news about your collaboration on the “Genetics of Microorganism," my excuse being that we should repeat we want to see it with our imprint on it. Otherwise you might not realize how great our interest is. What conclusion did you two come to? Just a brief line will suffice. A good New Year to each of you and Mrs. Lederberg. Sincerely yours, W. H. Freeman abs/do AIR MALL: