iG El W.H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY Publishers EDITORS: W. i Gvsenans) $49 MARKET STREET J. A. BEFINKE SAN FRANCISCO 5, CALIFORNIA STANLEY SCHAEFER : YUKON 6-5115 October 16, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 7, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: A letter from Dr. Sonneborn indicates that he would welcome your collaboration on the Genetics of Microorganisms. Further- more, he is apparently quite willing to take up his pen again to prepare the def- initive work he originally planned -- with your able help. I need hardly add that the collaboration has our enthusiastic support, and we will be ready to make a definite offer for the publication of the book whenever the two of you are ready. Will you please write Dr. Sonneborn concern~ ing the matter? I would appreciate being kept informed of developments. Best wishes, JAB :mb FA Behnke cc: Dr. Sonneborn