Dr Joshua LEDERBERG ASSociete Professor of Genetics Department or Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of agriculture MADISON 6 (Wisc.) Oct.17tn, 1950. Deer Dr.Leaerberg, Thank you very much for your letter datea Octoler ll, 1950. I am senaing reprints'by orui- neury mail. May I ask tne favour tnat my nume bg polaced upon your mailing list for reprints. I shall be very glea to test the beheviour of your E.coli strain «.1lé towxrdas colicins and compere it with the types in my collection. Please, senda me the strain «s soon es possibile as I aw just now engaged in testing other strains. If@woulu be of interest to me to get also, if possible, un indicator Strain to its lysogenic action. AS regerd "direct antagonism" I have no experience on the subject. Ir you want, you may sena also strain W-1176 ana I shall book ror en antibiotic action by the methous usea to denonstrate the production of colicins. I am very sincerely Yours hod. Vrs Dr.P.FREDERICG Agregé.