UNIVERSITE D E LIEGE INSTITUT DE BACTERIOLOGIE wher -1678- LE 5 September 1951. 41, RUE DES BONNES-VILLES LIEGE Dr.J. LEDERBERG Dept.of Genetics University of Wisconsin MADISON 6 (Wis.) U.S.4. Dear Dr.Lederber:z, I have sent strains WR1I68 and WRE434. Strain WR168 was derived in several steps from your strain W1177; it is resistant to most of the entibiotic strains but partially susceptible to those producing co- licins G, H, Sl ana 54. Strain WR&45 was dcerivea from your strain 58.161 ana is resistent to every colicin. I shoulc be very glad to receive a set of reprints from your work on becteriel genetic, specially those published in "Genetics" and "Proc.natr Acad.Sci." which are journals not cvaileble here in Liege. I am very sincerely yours Lr.P.FREDERICg Agree.