Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin, Madigon 6, Wis. \ ‘June 26, 1952. Dear Dr, Fredericq: : aN Thank you for your informative letter of May 24. © I was especially pleased to learn of the fac iity of use of the 58-161 and W~1177 strains- there are any humber of problems. to which they may be applicable. : May I accept your offer to send back miltiply reaistant mtante of these strains? I would be esppcially interested in such derivatives from W-1177, for I believe that its susceptibility to colicins may be responsible for "gexual# incompatibility in crosses with some new coli isolates, and I have been using this culture very extebsively as a tester against a large number of other strains. If you have already had, or should encounter the occasion to pre- pare a multiple-resistant derivative of W-1177, I should be very grateful to have it from you; if not, we shall probably take time to do the job ourselves. Meanwhile, our main use of colicins has been in the classifi- cation of new isolates, and we have not studied mtations to resistance as seen in the laboratory. Thank you for distributing the strains further. I would appreciate it very mech if my request to be informed who has obtained them could accompany the cultures in their further travels. That is, I would be interested to hear if Professor Winkler distributes them further. / Yours sincerely, | , A feck \ c | td po : Joshua’ Lederberg, (] i i