UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY D DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ecember 29,1951 303 HARKER HALL URBANA, ILLINOIS U.S.A. Dr. Joshua Vederd erg Department of Jenetics University of Witna— adison, “isconsin Dear Dr Jederberg, Thank you for your letter.Only a few weeks ago I had the opnortinity of talking to Dy, B.D.Davis during a meeting of the A,C.S, at Austin, Texas. You may perhaps (Cora that Bp hag not only been isolated but also chemically identified as carnitine, a betain which has been isolated before from meat extracts.e have also now fomd that E.coli ,when grow synthetically,does not contain Bp,or could only contain ik in the minutest amdunts.It is therefore not surprising that our effo to produce a Buléss mtant were unsuccessful. Ve have no microbial assay of Bp, bub there is a vague possibility that we would succeed with Neurésnora where we failed with coli. As to your query about microsymbionts eCe, there has been very little work in this field ,except for some new work in Germany which has not yet been vublishedProfessor Puchner is writing a new book which should be out early in 2952 ( at Brkheuser,2asel) and there was a symposium on symbiosis during the International Congress of Entomology at Amgterdem last summer at which I wag one of the sneakers. The full reprott of this symposium will appear very soon (if it has not already appeared) in a dutch entomolosical Jonmal. You will find the most recent references,mostly to unnublisheé work, in the vavers given by A.Koch and L.Zothe The latter did a lot of work on the question of nitrogen fixation by symbionts ( which neither Wig¢lesworth nor myself believes to be true), I think instead of laboriously collecting these few references for you you will find them conveniently presented in that symmosium report,and later in Buchnerg book. The full account of the work reported in Science 1950 has not yet been written up for publication, but has been Testing in a drawer of my desk. I do not know of any other substi¢ tution experiments, Yours sincerely , /. oe ae G. 5 . Fraenkel