Jamary 28, 1958 Dr. A. 3. Fox Dept. Zoology Michigan State College Fast Lansing, Mich. Dear Alan: I was interested in the implied procedure for selection of a depart- ment chairman, Here, we have an annual (advisory) election within each department. I am not familiar enough with your campus to be able to evaluate the "pressures for applied research", and this factor, among others, might limit my advisory competence. However, three hames came to my mind at once: Philip R. Edwards, who 4s now at the USPHS Commnicable Disease Center, Chamblee, Ga., in charge of the Enteric Bacteriology section, and formerly at Hentucky. Ha is about 54, and you might call him "old line", but he is an outstanding bacteriologist in his field, with more than a little appre- ciation of theoretical problems. (Cf. Lederberg and Edwards 1953, J. Immun., 71:232). If you really do want a good program in both the applied and theo- retical areas, and no& mere lip service to the former, he would be a first Class choice. Ferguson, of course, knows him well. ZT also thought of Luca — Dr. L. L. Cavalli, who has quite a different background, but whose experience at the Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese would suit him well in such a position; I hardly need comment on his qualifications aa a bacterial geneticist. Finally, as you must have considered very well yourself, Werner Braun, with whose background I am sure you are already quite familiar. There are any number of other first class medical bacteriologistse; I thought first of those whose fields might have an obvious geddtic interest. Yours sincerely, Lederberg ddée-of Genetics