MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE EAST LANSING DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY January 25, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshi H. J. Stafseth, Chairman of our Department of Bacteriology and Public Health, is in his last year before retirement. In anticipation of this event, a group of men in Biology have been informally discussing possible successors. Recognizing the importance of this avnointment for the future of Biology at this Institution, we are anxious that the new Chairman be a good one. We consequently have decided to write toa few of our friends who may have suggestions to make along these lines. The Department of Bacteriology and Public Health at this Institution is in both the School of Science and Arts and the School of Veterinary Medicine. It is a large department, occuvying a large new building, with superb basic equipment. It is, however, an "old line" department, which places heavy emphasis on Applied Bacteriology. In this area it has achieved some excellence, but it has lagged behind seriously in modern basic research. It offers the usual courses in General and Applied Bacteriology, but Immuno- chemistry and Bacterial Genetics are completely unrepresented, and Physiology and Biochemistry have only token representation. A fortunate appointment of a new Chairman would provide the opportunity to remedy this state of affairs. There are heavy pressures, however, to continue the present program of Applied Research. It becomes necessary therefore to look for a man who could satisfy these pressures and who would at the same time have the necessary breadth and vigor to build the kind of department which we would desire. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions that you can make. Needless to say, this inquiry is strictly confidential. § Ph Len Cordially yours, C y tate TAN Fan, CL ae Allen 5. Fox Associate Professor of Zoology f entenna “iT 1S FOR US THE LIVING ... TO BE DEDICATED HERE TO THE UNFINISHED WORK ....” 1855-1955 LINCOLN